A view from her shoes

By Saffyre

Begging and pleading

I took the boys on a mystery trip today. Half way there they got an idea of where we were headed, the local soft play place.

The boys rarely get taken to such places as I view them as my own personal idea of hell. Loud, cold, with sweaty over excited children running riot, many of whom's parents couldn't care less how well or badly behaved they are to other children. Add to all that the extortionate cost of the diabolical food and drink. And there we have it... Dante's Inferno.

The boys begged and pleaded so hard that I just had to pull the car over and snap an image of their little imploring visages.

What could I do? It is the last day of their Christmas school holidays...

Of course, what I didn't tell them was that I had arranged this outing a week ago with some friends so I wouldn't be bored either!

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