Beauty Shot
Another very full day in Toronto today. Even my mother said, "Again???" Not only does TO offer so much, but this street photography is rather addictive. This lovely young woman was actually posing for a friend and despite the "mature" look, she was giggling after every shot. I did take their photo later with an instamatic they had. Did not even know you could still buy them!
We did tour Casa Loma which was a first for me. Very hot and humid and with a bottle of water going for $4.50, it was a bit hard to take but the story behind the family who built the 'castle' is really part of our Canadian history and rather a very sad story. The webpage I am including does not give the entire story but it gives you an idea if you so wish to learn more. Casa Loma
I have a little photoshoot tomorrow evening and loads of preparing for our little holiday to Nova Scotia beginning on Wednesday. Eeeek....time is going far too fast!!!
Take care...
D x
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