
By hazelh

Mother-in-law causes Christmas present confusion

Mother-in-law on speaker phone: "Did you get the liquorice toffees I sent you for Christmas?"

Mr hazelh: "No, I didn't get them. They must be lost".

Me from across the room: "There were some mint chocolates in your Christmas parcel from her which I will eat. Does she mean them? Perhaps she sent the liquorice toffees to one of your sisters by mistake, and you ended up with the mints instead?"

Mr hazelh: "You just sent me some nice mints. Thank you for those."

Mother-in-law: "No, those are the liquorice toffees. I put them in that box so that they wouldn't rattle."

Mr hazelh: "Great. Thanks!"

Me: "Rats. I hate liquorice toffees".

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