So today everyone (all 80+) went to the beach
# this is the Ukrainian crew.....great photo and all that but WHAT and HOW am I going to teach this lot. Groups of 40 is just too ridiculous. I spent 40 mins of beach time searching on the internet for grammar ideas, songs to sing and downloading photos to show on my phone to 40 children???? After agreeing a plane with the leaders.
The main leader (Agapi) said she will talk to them about Greek cuisine so I could have the morning off!?!?!?
#which I enjoyed so I can’t complain but it was frustrating wasting time researching but never mind lesson sorted for this evening.
#the best news is I have lights in my classroom (which as you can see only has benches and a roof!!). I was so excited that I didn’t have to teach in darkness after 9pm!!! But no sudden change of plan by Agapi (she likes to keep us on our toes) ...We played hide and seek at 9:30....80+ children hid on the massive wooded camp and the leaders had to find them!?!@!&? By 11 all were safely back...phew.

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