
By gfm


A predictable day, that took an unexpected turn. 

Food shopping then dropping N at the airport. Didn't have the changing bag, water, snacks, jackets or suitable footwear, but decided to go for one of our favourite walks anyway. Just after we'd stopped at the pond (the furthest away point on the walk), we got caught in heavy summer showers. I did actually have my jacket, which the Bug wore, down to his ankles, and I sheltered the Bear as well as I could in my arms, with her clinging like a koala. 

On the way home, I discovered a surprise last-minute invitation north, and jumped on it. We packed up and, within the hour, set off.

The Bug grumbled terribly about his dinner which he "wasn't expecting" (a typical complaint of his!) and then scoffed the job lot and had seconds. Pft!

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