Heavy rain showers were forecast late morning but we set off in hope that we might manage to miss them.   With one eye on the weather away to the south west, we walked quickly the two kilometres through Aberlady Reserve to the beach,  watching the dark clouds and hoping they would bypass us.  By the time we reached the hill beside Gullane Point the first drops fell so rain jackets on.  Soon it was obvious that although we might have been on the edge of the rain we were getting extremely wet.  Lower down the hill the footpath was either a running stream or a long deep puddles through which we had to wade for about twenty minutes.  By the time we reached the car looking like drowned rats, we were literally soaked to the skin.  It was a quick change into dry tops because our lightweight summer rain jackets had not kept us dry and we resolved to take our better rain jackets next time heavy rain is forecast.  We had to empty our shoes of water and they are still wet many hours later.  Massive deep puddles were right across the road around Aberlady and Longniddry making it difficult to drive.  At home the roads were dry.  We jumped into a bath as soon as we arrived home and washed all of the clothes.  Despite the soaking we both enjoyed our unusually quick walk and had seen many butterflies, including Dark Green Fritillaries but no Painted Ladies.

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