The boy loves the cake!

I love this picture of Jack, he adores cake and puddings and eats them with such rapture and pure delight. He had stuffed this cream doughnut in a couple of minutes.

A good day today, back to work for me with 2 mindees and mine. Not a quiet tidy house but a messy one filled with good children noises the noise I love. It's one of the better parts of my job, unlike the paperwork and tax etc that I am trying to catch up with. I could have taken a day over the christmas break but I really wanted to give all my time to Jack and Erin. They do so well to share their Mummy, home and time with other children and I felt they deserved me to themselves rather than me sat working. So it means the paperwork will have to be of an evening after they have gone to bed and the house is returned to some state of normality. As for catching up with the housework, washing and ironing??? Maybe tomorrow.

Also trying to get back to catching up with people on here, have really neglected everyone over the last 7 months or so but want to get back into the whole aspect of blip rather than just the photo. I have started writing again which is step one and today I even found time to congratulate on blip birthdays. Tomorrow I will try and catch up with all those I subscribe to.... and the washing, ironing and housework?? Maybe at the weekend ;-)

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