Totally Kimmish

By kimmiekims

Dolly and Hubert

Good news for all you Hubert fans, he has had his week checkup and is doing great. He has gained 100g in seven days, which is amazing as we were just hoping for it staying steady. It might not sound like a lot but it's nearly 6% of his body weight, the equivalent of around half a stone for an average person. We're able to start reducing some of his gut motility meds as he's eating better, but he'll be on the painkillers long term, a small price to pay to keep him happy and well.

Lafawnda had a checkup today too, her ears have a wee bit of build up again. Her ear canals are incredibly narrow, apparently something that has likely occurred from inflammation over time. Unfortunately this is causing issues as air can't really circulate properly down there leading to 'swampy' conditions and more build up and inflammation. She's to be back on her drops for a bit, she hates them but her ears did look much better. She also seems a little less wobbly after them too, but she's still a super wobbly girl.

FYI, I'm Hubert's biggest fan, he's my handsome wee man!

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