A bit about Jeepers

I had a lovely bareback ride out on George this morning, we kept the pace moderate and had a couple of cheeky canters. 

Later on to Jeepers. He is in quarantine at the moment to safeguard against an outbreak of equine flu in Orkney. Its a thorough pain in the backside but all being well and no sign of illness, he should be allowed to mingle with other horses in 2 more weeks. I can then stop having to over think my every move, what I'm touching and risking cross contamination, which order I do the horses in, what I need to disinfect and on and on. Best safe than sorry.

I took Jeepers a 3km route today. He's not done much in the way of work for at least the last 6 months so it's all about slow and steady for a while but also enough to keep his mind occupied. I don't know anything of his previous ridden history (other than he did one point to point race when he was 5, he is now 7) so I am feeling my way with him. Yesterday I tested him by taking him past a mini digger and he passed with flying colours. Today, on a route no other horses use, I asked him to walk past a scarecrow, which he did after I'd let him stand and look at it a few seconds. I also asked him to walk down a narrow track with a fence to one side and a ditch to the other, he obliged happily. Then a small burn to cross. We got close and he was really hesitant to go on. He then looked around at me in the saddle and his look said 'help, I really can't do this' so I hopped off and we just sat next to it a while and then he watched me as I stepped about in it. He was still reluctant to cross it so I lead him around it on foot before mounting again. He's definitely a trier... He really wanted to do as I was asking and instead of being nasty or spinning away, he asked for help. There is nothing wrong with getting off and leading your horse past an obstacle, all the early work is done from the ground and if a horse ever needs reassurance, return to the ground and show them the way gently. I have a lot of trust for this horse and hopefully he will find trust in me. He has a very sensible head but he is also quite sensitive. I feel that at some point he has been harshly handled and that really does not suit him.

He has obviously done a fair bit ridden in his past, to enter a point to point he has to have had at least 3 trips out hunting. He was in his last home with Sarah for 4 months where he was bought back to health and trusting and became ready to move on. She had found him at a dealers looking like a bony dairy coo with sores and no tail and couldn't leave him there.

I feel so lucky to have him, he is definitely the right horse for me. A good age but still a blank canvas and plenty of learning and bonding to do as we work together.

It'll be nice to eventually be out riding with Gorgeous again! 

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