
By Charlie17

Another official announcement!

“Charlie17 was very grateful to the ( mainly) kind comments regarding his recent debilitation. He spent all of yesterday in bed, making very few demands on his wife, apart from “change channels”, “ Take that soup away” etc
However after a very restless night, he thought he should make the journey to the caravan park to carry out the volunteer work he usually does on Wednesdays. On the way, he popped into the allotment to water his tomatoes and was delighted to see this juvenile robin checking over his leeks.
I have to report that due to a sudden deterioration in his condition due to persistent coughing, he was sent home by the very understanding warden, on condition that he takes some whisky and honey and retires to his sick bed for the rest of the day.
He fully intends taking her up on this advice, although he may give the honey a miss!!”

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