An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Freeway Scene

One thing about living next to the freeway is that every once in awhile in the early morning, I see someone's day already worse than my day ever will be.  As I walked toward the kitchen to make my coffee, I spied this scene.  Cars entangled and heading in the wrong direction.  Police were there doing their job.  These drivers' day probably is shot.  All the folks on the freeway sitting in traffic rather than speeding to work are having a bad morning.  But not as bad as these folks.  

After the traffic settled down, I went to the Veteran's Administration to have my hearing aids adjusted.  I walked in hearing through only my left ear.  I walked out hearing in stereo.  It is now harder to be selectively hard hearing.  My wife knows that the hearing aids are working.  

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