
The arrangements for this biodiversity festival reached fever pitch this morning. There’s this exhibition hall which will host panels about Mozambican habitats and species for a couple of weeks. Outside, those of us profiling our organisations at the feira overhauled a dusty square of earth into a decent-looking setup of banners, pamphlets, posters and wares (such as organic coffee and baobab powder) to flog. Trying to remain pristine was futile whilst jostling with one of those roll-up banners and its temperamental support pole.

The presentation some partners did on the biodiversity findings at Chimanimani last year was delivered excellently. During this, members of the President’s entourage were inspecting the room and facilities ahead of his visit and address scheduled for tomorrow. No we’re sorry that air conditioners cannot be installed at this stage, and no, unfortunately we’re not able to seal off the main lecture room so that his appearance is the first time the space is used. The red carpet and general air of kowtowing will have to suffice.

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