218/365: Breakfast View
Just before 6am and the sun is just moments from rising over the hill...
In contrast to yesterday, I completed the loop across the fields thanks to the dry grass. On my way up the hill, I found a (see extras) disused phone box. There's another near the harbour and this one is similarly dedicated to local luminaries of days gone past. Silvanus Trevail was a leading figure in revitalising St Mawes. Known for his boundless energy, he boasted that he had 'erected more schools than anyone west of Bristol'. He owed his start in life to the Act of 1870, making universal education available in every parish and flourished from then on...
Much later, we headed to the beach, which of course involved a pit stop. Sadly, the nearest facilities could be found at the Rising Sun (extra available for context) and it’d have frankly been rude not to. There’s just no place for it on hols.
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