Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Hors d'oeuvres

As Mr. Fun arrived home this evening, I held a plate of these yummies toward him and exclaimed, "Hors d' oeuvres." He smiled and immediately reached for one. Last evening he whined and begged more than once for me to give him some of the Hershey Kisses that he was sure I had stashed in the house somewhere.

I never gave-in to his begging, so I thought this offer tonight of Hors d'oeuvres and dessert would be most welcomed and it was. I made six of these. He gulped two of them most almost instantlly; then I explained his last one would be for dessert. The other three were mine. I had one before dinner and two afterward.

This has been an uneventful day. Mr. Fun went back to work and also took his car to get a tune-up; it's been stalling lots late and a few weeks ago he paid an arm n' leg for some repair work, so when it did not pass the smog test the other day, he was a little bit frustrated. so hopefully now the car will pass the test and he can renew the registration.

What did I do today? A bit more filing, a little walking around the backyard with the pooches, some looking at FaceBook, and I baked a loaf of bread in my bread machine. Soon we'll be leaving for our annual January vacation days, so that's part of the reason that I'm trying to do some filing and paperwork here.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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