
By FarmerGirl

Rest time

It is so nice to see the sun this evening, after a very wet yesterday. We had 63ml of rain fall in a very short time, thunder and lightning, power surges along with the power going off twice last night.

Farmerboy got up to milk this morning, only to get the cows to the shed to find out that the power was out again, this time for about an hour, so he was late starting - and finishing milking. The road South of Murchison was closed (due to major slips) and as you can see from Kiwilizzie's blip, traffic was backed up along the main street of town. The Lewis Pass is still closed, and anyone wanting to travel South will need to go via the West Coast.

I took a stroll out this evening, and found this Ewe laying down in the rather over grown paddock, enjoying the sun on its back - and I have to say, it was nice to have that warmth penetrating on my back.

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