January Daily Challenge - Something New
Day 2 of Neet's January daily challenge - Something new: Take a photo of something new. Something physical, the sunrise, a new attitude. Be creative!
The first day back working after a break of over 2 weeks. There were 2 parcels waiting when I arrived back, goodies to be delivered to various people, a New Year giift from a company in Holland. One of the boxes contained a load of Dutch food goodies, this was passed to the support team that look after things, while the other contained individual goodies for various people who had dealt with the company.
What were they? - these 2 pens and a pot of artificial grass (well the company concerned were taken over by an American corporation called Grass Valley) to keep them in.
Everything was very quiet - a lot of people seem to still be off, although I did have a couple of useful meetings, the second involving someone that I have worked with a couple of times before, this time she is working for a client and so will ultimately be the customer - does that make it something new as well?
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