Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The Only Way

Grey grey day today. Visited by the kereru again, but the photos I got were not anywhere near as good as the one I got on New Years Day - mostly due to motion blur (my hands, not the bird). Took a few pics of the lad which are rather nice, but have decided to go with this, taken on my run.

I went out intending to do a 6km run, but was feeling good, so didn't turn down the road I had planned to Snells Beach. I kept going, and then came to the hill out of Snells. Rather a big, and daunting hill...

I ran up it, though I might have been quicker had I walked. ;-) From the top I ran down to the far end of Snells Beach - somewhat preciously (to my mind) calling itself "Whisper Cove", which is where I took this photo. I was rather puzzled by these fence things: there were marked-out paths from the grass to the beach, and the (admittedly low) fence then continues along the line of the beach - as though one is only supposed to (permitted to??) access the beach at those particular points.

Maybe there's quicksand everywhere else along the grassline.

I have put a colour version in my Flickr, but took it with B&W in mind, so that's what I've blipped. Also, mrs tsuken concurred that the B&W was better. See what you think large.

Also in my Flickr from today is a shot as I rounded a curve down Arabella lane, and saw what strikes me as a wildly incongruous housing development for a beachfront. My architect sister has expounded on all the more technical reasons its "off" - for example they've used schist stone, which isn't geologically native, and they mimic a more North American style, eschewing the local vernacular; and my mother who has been inside one of them has said things seem in the wrong place, and not well-designed. Myself, in the vein of not knowing much about art, but I know what I like, I just know I don't like them. They look wrong at the beach. I'm not a fan of housing estates like this even in urban or suburban settings (then, I'm not a fan of urban or suburban settings ...), but here at the beach they just seem really off.

Anyway... I'm just a country boy; what would I know? xP

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