
By RDKcreate


I've been up most the night with this illness again and so I'm feeling quite jaded now, but it did mean I got to watch a fascinating documentary about the origins of Art Nouveau.

Since I was wandering around the house feeling sorry for myself I decided to play with photographing the 'whiplash curve' shape that is so prevalent in art nouveau imagery.

So I dismantled one of Ruth's expensive picture frames and set to .... and ended up photographing a completely different concept.

The image represents how I feel when I am ill.

Whether its flu or depression, I feel like I'm struggling up through layer upon layer to reach a surface of relative wellness. At the time it feels an impossible task and then I'm always taken by surprise when I suddenly feel ... OK

.... just as if my face has broken through a surface and I can breathe again.

Better put the frame back together before its noticed .......

Please view large

Here is a picture of the set up

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