Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

As Toby said it was a 'Day of Achievements'. He managed his 200m badge at swimming this morning and has moved up to a stage 6. Eva managed 50m!!! Amazing considering that at the start of the week she was putting her feet down doing a width! Then this evening he apparently played his best ever game of cricket.

We had the farrier for lime at lunchtime then Eva went on a little hack on Jack. Only 20 mins or so but he's not been out in a while cos he has been sore from his sarcoid treatment. He was so happy to be out though. Could see it in his eyes!

On the way back from the yard we went to join the library and the kids both got a stack of books out. The library is community run and there were 3 lovely ladies running it who did a treasure hunt with the kids for the holiday reading challenge. Eva finished one of her books overnight!

While the others were at cricket I went back to the yard. Was going to hack out but the sky went a bit black so decided to go in the school instead. We've not schooled in ages and it felt like it! 10 mins in, it was like someone had turned a tap on. We got soaked! I carried on and just as we were finishing our session the sun came out. Typical!!

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