Lakeland Dippers

Crummock Water

For some absurd reason my friend and I have agreed to do one of the swims on another (last) work challenge ... ... before our team and the Cumbria partnership is finally dissolved in October.

We decided we would go for a recce and looking at it today in the teeming rain I was all set for an email on Monday morning saying something along the lines of ‘not on your nellie’. Having gone all the way there we decided to get in anyway.. it was utterly foul and we were convinced it was going to be the first time we wouldn’t be emerging from the water saying, ‘it was fine once we were in and we’re really glad we did it’.

But... once we were in it was magnificent. We were surrounded by mighty glowering fells with tops lost in swirling mists and with waterfalls seemingly emerging from the clouds. We swam a good distance towards Buttermere with the dark mass of Fleetwith Pike looming in front of us and low flying geese and cormorant hastening for somewhere else. Then we turned back and as we got out were met by the incongruous sight of a bride and groom having their photos taken ... poor things! At least the worst of the rain had passed by then.

We retreated to the Kirkstile for chips ... never was a bowl of chips more welcome!

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