
This rather large spider has taken up residence in the corner of the conservatory roof its amazing how many little flies get caught in her web then about 9pm she comes out and collects them for her tea. Except if a cabbage white gets in her web (we make sure the others get out) then she rushes out to catch it and parcel it up. Spiders are fascinating. They are skeletal so as they grow they get a new skin and they shed their old skin.

Well we had quite a breezy afternoon but not as bad as the weatherman predicted, a little rain but the wind kept it away. I even got some more washing dry.

They have finished the road works. 4 days. Last Tuesday early hours the water main burst it was so bad even cars couldnt get through it. Anyway along comes the waterboard and barricades the road, the main road, busses diverted, cars diverted, they then proceeded to dig the biggest hole yet so road closed till last night when they finished. Lets hope it holds this time because it always seems to go around the same place.

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