After 32 Years

Finally met up with ex-colleague The Singer, whom I've mentioned in a previous post.  A very happy meeting it was!  She has got tons of problems and the Viking might get a new client, but we were so happy to get together again.  I've hardly arrived and she's already looking forward to my second visit .. hahaha!

Left the B&B in Edinburgh in the pouring rain, way after check-out time, with permission from the hostess, because I had to reply to all the mails of the Viking and then coordinate with AW because he had to print out all the attachments.  There were some questions and corrections on my part, and apparently the Viking was waiting in MNL for them, because he replied and corrected promptly.  Even as I was packing, appointments were being made and documents were being re-typed, a slightly anxious time as it was I this time who wanted things done properly before I left the B&B.

Then off with the bus through the traffic to South Bridge, where I got off and walked that small bit to the hotel, where I ordered lunch.  There were still some hours to kill and I made sure to relax and return to travel mode.  Then the train ride from Edinburgh Waverly to Glasgow Queen Street, then a brisk walk to Glasgow Central, where I caught the next train to East Kilbride, where The Singer lives, with her three children (the eldest is on holiday in Norway with her BFF).  Here, we are enjoying dinner at a local chicken joint.

Loads of yakkety-yak before, during, and after dinner.  Her kids can understand the language back there, but cannot speak it, so most of our talk was in English.  I was exhausted but we still had a late-ish evening catching up on our lives.  I allowed her to talk more of the time and learned about a lot of very sad affairs.  She valued/values my visit more than I thought she would.  I am glad I (have) got to see her at this time.

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