Getting there

There are days when you feel that, yes, you are getting there!  Today was one of them.  Friends coming for a meal this evening, so I made a chicken and leek pie.  WhatsApp-ed my brother in Madrid and he was cooking Cod Masala at the same time.  We had a lovely chat and he sent me lots of photos of his grandson.  Strange to see my brother looking so like my father, but inevitable and rather comforting.

In the garden I loosened the onions to start them ripening and picked a washing up bowl full of broad beans!  It's been such a good year for them.  Picked another vase of sweetpeas too - they are coming thick and fast!  Far too many midges and biting things amongst the plants so Lottie and I had a bit of a walk and called in on B&J.

Mike took Peridot back to her more sheltered mooring and then after lunch was busy in his workshop, enjoying himself with various projects.

Red hot (for Orkney!)  in the back garden by then, I took off a layer or two and sat in the doorway of my hut with my knitting,  enjoying the butterflies and the flowers, while Lottie slept in shade behind me.  

A happy evening with friends A&C, always fun, they are such good company and the meal was enthusiastically received!  A good sign when there are no left overs!  

Thinking about why it had seemed such a good day, I realised it had combined the things I enjoy most; cooking, gardening, knitting, walking Lottie, knowing people who I care about are doing things they enjoy - cooking and making things - and relaxing with friends.  These are the days we must remember!

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