beaten by the weather...again. after a loud windy night where the awning had done a good job, we headed into lochinver where the games were on and it was pishing with rain. shame. bill smith was annoying everyone on the mic. went for a look at clachtoll which was closed due to a septic tank issue and by the look of the sheep, we should have known how the day would pan out. we got back and ended up taking the awning down as the wind got worse with the poles bending in. we moved the landy in front of daisy’s tent but it was still bending at an angle so we gave in and headed for home. gutted. it was a long journey in the van and we had to stop three times for beefy to fix the wipers and tighten the straps on the kayaks. so gutted to be home, after all the effort to get away...but you’ve got to know when to quit in the wild west coast weather!

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