Millstätter See
A cloudy start to the day gave us a chance to get up high without expending too much perspiration. The 30º temperatures in the valleys translate into 25º on the tops, but that makes it just so much effort to cope with any major ascents on an open sunny day.
However, we got to the top today just before the clouds parted. We walked the Gentian route from the Lamersdorfer hut (1650m) up to the Lammersdorfer Berg, along the ridgeline towards the Millstätter Alpe and back down the Enzian Granat-Steig to complete our circuit.
The path runs up through the Garnet mica-schists that the local town of Radentheim is famous for - the garnets were so prolific that the path along the top is just a garnet gravel where the schist has eroded away. The Garnets are commonly larger than 1" diameter (see extra) and we came back with pockets full. I might try them in the gem tumbler!
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