MonoMonday: Melange
60plus is hosting and this week’s topic is “melange” which means “mixture”.
We are back into full time grandparent duties this week.
Bec still can’t do anything, not even lift the baby.
Yesterday morning Graham needed to take Elizabeth to hospital with abdominal pain. We were out west and Bec’s parents had returned to the north coast. So she was at home with the four younger children until her brother could come and help out. I don’t know what people do without family.
We got back about 8pm and at least are in good training after our stint a fortnight ago.
Essy had her appendix out today and will hopefully be home in a day or two.
Unfortunately she was coming skiing with us next week but will miss that. I am glad she didn’t take ill while we were there.
So back to the theme of “melange”. I’ve discovered the only way to manage sock sorting for a family of 7 is to toss them all from the wash into one basket and let them find their own.
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