POG's Journal


Gear table.

My Day:
Up with the larks this morning… it was due to an appointment I had at 9 AM so had to set three alarms on my phone to ensure I did get up… As I think I’ve said before I only do planned things on Tuesday as much as possible thus allowing me to have as much flexibility to do whatever I like on the other six days.

I drove to the appointment and got there a little early so was sitting in my car having a think whilst I waited for 9 AM to arrive. I got to thinking what a change my life has taken since I stopped work in January. My last job I had for about 7 ½ years and would get up each day at 5, leave the house at about 5.45 and drive the 65 miles to work then work for 8 to 9 hours then back in the car for the return trip. I only missed 3 days in the 7 ½ years due to illness… Now I generally wake up when I wake up and do whatever take my fancy on most days, which is quite often nothing.

After the appointment I visited my mate and we did a little test to see if both our track bikes would fit in my biggest car, we’ve been going in his estate car to the velodrome mostly, but it does seem a little unfair. It looks like it will work so I’m driving next time.

Once back home I upload the blips from the last couple of days and replied to your comments. I’ve then watched some more YouTube videos.
Day 34/92

My legs were less sore today than I thought they would be when I woke… They have got worse as the day progressed and I expect they will be uncomfortable by tomorrow.

Nothing done on the bike today but will be back on it tomorrow.

I’ve also been thinking a bit about this cycling experiment and starting to draw some conclusions already… It will be interesting to see if they change over the remaining 58 days.
A gear table… it just allows you to calculate the size of gear you are in; on the track you only have one gear so that is quite simple to do… On a road bike you have generally two chainrings on the front and 10 on the wheels therefore you get 20 gears, the trick is to not duplicate the gears as much as possible. If you look at the chart you can see 42 x 14 = 81” gear but 51 x 17 = 81” gears, so you could have 20 gears but two of them are the same…
More tomorrow

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