I wandered round the garden first thing this morning to try and find something for Tiny Tuesday and spotted the Tromboncino Courgette plants that Mr. HCB is growing.  They are quite fascinating to look at, as you can see by the two photographs in my collage.  I liked the one on the left, which has some pareidolia in it and he liked the one on the right, showing the way the tiny tendrils curl round, so I compromised and made a collage that suited both of us.  They might look tiny now, but last year one of them grew to a length of 31 inches! 

We had an appointment with our hygienist at lunchtime, which went well, then I decided to go straight up to see my Mum early this afternoon, after finding some strawberry jellies in little pots for her, after her "melt-down" yesterday.  However, when I arrived at the ward, I was concerned to see that her bed was empty and made up, so on enquiring was told that she was now in the “Departure Lounge”.  It sounded like she was jetting off somewhere, so I quickly made my way there, only to get a text from my sister to say she was on her way to the hospital to pick Mum up.  Despite being told yesterday that she would not be allowed home until a "Care Package" was in place, they had obviously changed their minds and apparently, someone from Social Services is going out to see her tomorrow.  We had to wait for Mum’s prescription, and then we were escorted out to Karen’s car and took Mum home together.  

First of all, we couldn’t find Mum’s purse, which she assured us she had put away in a safe place when she went into hospital, so we had to play “Hunt the Purse”.  We eventually found it, then she had to count her money to make sure it was all there.

Then began the mammoth task of sorting out all her pills and potions!  What a job that was - and she has enough of both to stock a pharmacy herself.  Apparently, the pharmacy keeps sending her more pills, despite the doctor changing her medication on a regular basis, but when Karen asked if they would take them back because they were no longer needed, she was told they could, but all the pills would then be destroyed - it’s no wonder the NHS is in trouble if they do this up and down the country!

With Mum settled, Karen and I then went out to do some shopping for her and to have a coffee together, which was good and gave us a chance to stop and take a few deep breaths.  What a good job I had taken some photographs this morning!

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, 
     but to thrive; 
          and to do so with some passion, 
some compassion, 
     some humor, 
          and some style." 
Maya Angelou

P.S.  Thank you for all your kind comments, stars and kind wishes for my Mum on yesterday's Blip, which are much appreciated.

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