6.31 miles , 10.16 km, 33342 feet , 10163 meters

I must be seriously out of shape when 6.31 miles makes the backs of my knees ache, or maybe it is the nonchalant way I walk, cool dude teenager style, whatever that might be. No I guess it is minor over indulgence.

Today I went to have a coffee with the ex-First Minister, well actually it just so happened he was following me into the cafe, but it sounded more interesting, I then indulged in my returning of ill fitting Xmas and birthday gifts, no matter how many times I say it, I am always regarded as a medium rather than a small. Ironically except for my head, as I had to upgrade a rather nice hat, and no I am not a mega hat person, from a large to x-large. Maybe I am just an odd shaped guy.

So legs buckling under the pain of walking, I finally went home and tried to filter out the clothes to be discarded to make room for the new stuff.


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