Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Lonesome darkness.

Following on from my previous blip in the glorious summer sunshine, this is from a very lonesome walk I went on at 1am to clear my head a little.

It was a good start to 2013, however, I am a drama/Family Politics magnet, and the same old crap found it's way back.

Some bad news regarding a family member was followed by another family member picking fights over the stupidest things, just for the power trip.
I simply had to go for a walk, regardless of the absurd hour, as to keep my currently shorter than usual temper at bay.
Being 1am, it was dark, and very lonesome... Which is more or less the story of my life, particularly the last few years, with the last three months being more isolating than most, having to protect friends I have made through work. (For those who don't know, I am a professional photographer, specialising in live music photojournalism - I work with a lot of internationally famous people, and form friendships with many of them)

Righto. 5am. Bedtime.

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