
For those of you who didn't see our, 'A-Z Around the Cornish Coastline Challenge'; then you won't know that our personal challenge for 2013 is to Blip 100 places in Cornwall that begin with the letter 'P'. So to 'kick start' our challenge, off we went to 'Porthtowan' so that I could play with my yellow bouncy ball.

We're going to try and tag all our 'P' blips, 'CornishPs', but Ann might forget to do this sometimes because she's not very 'au fait' with how this tagging thing works. Also, we're hoping to complete this challenge by the end of 2013 but this might not be possible because Ann has things to do like 'going to work' and we haven't actually worked out whether, in fact, there are 100 places in Cornwall that start with a 'P'??!!

However we will do our very best to find 100 places in Cornwall that begin with the letter 'P'.

........................Hope you enjoy our 'Cornish P's Challenge'. xx

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