Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


the world I want to get off...

Took the bus today. Got a long exposition from Terry the driver about how modern contactless payment  technology did not rest well with short wheelbase vehicles as they get all shook up on the speed bumps. Bigger buses are better apparently. I managed to pay eventually and then felt part of a jolly little charabanc outing as Terry’s regulars got on board so that we could go to the local hospital, in my case to meet TSM for her appointment.

It was a difficult meeting with the consultant with the prospect of the weeks ahead being a bit more messy and uncertain, and probably more painful than anticipated. But we do have a fixed date for TSM’s surgery now in just over a month. Inevitably there are more unknowns than we might have hoped; cancer is cancer after all, even if the likely outcome is expected to be positive. Let’s just say the destination should be fine but there will probably be more bumps in the road than we had thought after getting the biopsy results last week.

Got a surprise visit from The Dizzle at lunchtime who turned up with tofu curry for me which was really nice.

Strider had a tooth out but took it in his stride.

Very wet and miserable today. Bit of a downer all said and done. But have been exploring some stock photo sharing sites which is exciting. It’s good to share ...

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