A little courage goes a long way

This time away has presented challenges for us all.
Mine has been driving daddy’s car. Apart from taking about a million attempts to park it tonight it’s been ok.

We headed to Maryport after breakfast and had great fun playing on the boats, water shooters and exploring the aquarium. We got a free game of craft golf / result. Had a wander by the docks and a play in the park then headed down to see the climbing place booked for tomorrow.
Asked if we could do it today and they said yes.
Quick lunch of slushies and crisps and they both repeat both got harnessed up. It was lovely to see Wom climbing and giggling away. He got to the top of the rigging tower and beamed. Munch did the leap of faith and got to the second to last step of stairway to heaven.

Headed back to the hotel
Emergency celebratory lemonade and chips in the bar then to the room to chill

Daddy home
Went for pizza but place had no spaces so went elsewhere
Lovely tea
Within five minutes of heads on pillows / both tinkers asleep

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