The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Carry On Camping

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess went camping with her mates last night. I was trying to give her my chat about drinking sensibly...

Me: “Now, if there’s going to be booze...”

EMP: “No one will be drinking”

Me (nodding like a wise, but not particularly old owl): “Stick to a couple of beers or ciders. Stay off vodka. That can get very messy”

The Prince and I got all relatable and launched into our ‘first time drinking’ stories, both of which ended up with a lot of vomit.

EMP (vehemently): “There WON’’T be any alcohol”

Confused silence

Me: So, what will you be doing then? Actually just camping? How does that even work?

Turns out that’s what the crazy kids did. No one took booze. They put up tents, built a fire, toasted marshmallows, told ghost stories and were tucked up in their sleeping bags just after midnight.

And they had an absolute ball, remembered all of it and didn’t have hangovers in the morning. It sounded like one of those special times that will stay with them forever - their first time away together. No adults. The freedom just to be themselves.

“Wow - there really wasn’t any booze?” I said when she came home. “That’s great, I won’t have to give you the morning after pill chat!”


P.S One of the boys really needed a poo but was too scared to go off alone in the dark. In a show of solidarity, all of the other boys accompanied him but trying to have a dump in front of 4 of his mates led to performance anxiety!

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