Today's road trip started in Dresden with breakfast in Pfund Molkerei, probably the most beautiful dairy in the world. Sadly, such a joyful status hasn’t yet reached the staff. After a tasting of 38 different cheeses, on to Mortizberg the hunting lodge of Augustus who hunted far more than local wildfowl. He had the house decorated with silver-lined, gilded leather wallpaper where he entertained each and every imaginable lady, apart from Mrs Augustus. Then on to Meissen & a climb up the hill to the Dom followed by a stagger down the hill to the Meissen factory where we learned the trade of fine porcelain. We couldn't afford €75,000 for a bowl of flowers so made do with ooh-ing and aah-ing at the wonders on display. And then on to beautiful Leipzig, home to the revolution leading to re-unification ..... and more. Being rather weary we de-camped in the local curry house next to the hotel ..... wonderful! Photo today - Mortizberg, extras of Meissen & the church in Leipzig where as many as 120,000 gathered for Monday prayers in demonstration.

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