Westgate to Margate..
Our walk with friends today. They have a flat here to escape to, and it’s really lovely, with a view of the sea from their living room doors.
It was relatively quiet at the Westgate end of the walk, getting steadily busier as we got to Margate with lots of happy families making the most of today’s good weather. The beach huts along the promenade are wonderful and little homes in themselves, separated from their neighbours by colourful wind breaks, and with all the essentials for a day at the beach.
We reminisced about our childhood holidays, when come rain or shine, the beach was the only place to be. The Turner Gallery had an excellent exhibition of photographs of such holidays.
We came home to the news that GadgetKid will not be discharged from hospital until Monday. Really disappointing but she seems to be taking the news well..”all for my own good.” Tomorrow, I WILL visit.....
Good news, my sister and her husband are safely back from their holiday in Australia, transiting through Hong Kong airport with only a short delay. She’s already making soundings for a We 4 day soon!
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