Ross River Wildlife....

....looking down and looking up. 
As mentioned we were going to the beach this morning.  And we did, but unfortunately the roads were closed for an international Plan B came into action. 
Off to the Ross River where there are paved cycle tracks for little miss and her bike (with trainer wheels).  It really is a super spot for walking, biking, running......Lexi did well and I could have blipped her again, but went for these birds (Corella's) and the little turtle, which aren't very big at all.  
We then went to the Riverside Tavern for lunch, sitting in the open air but with covered roof for shade.  Lovely, we've been there many times, the view primo and food delicious.

The rugby is just starting, Lexi is singing the Australian anthem, we must teach her the NZ anthem soon.....after all she is a kiwi but born in Australia.

Lexi's other granddad is here for dinner tonight and to watch the rugby.


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