From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Meet Susie Geko!!!??!?!??!

The conversation went something like this..........

The Boys "Please can we buy a snake with our Christmas money?"
Me " No!!!"
The Boys " Please we will look after it!!"
I have shorten a little but cutting a big chunk of no, please, no please....
Me "Ok you can have a reptile, but not a snake i don't like them!!! Geko's are much easier on the eye and are very photogenic, purely selfish you understand!! If you get a Geko and you can't quite afford it i will help towards it!!!"
The boys" No we want a snake we've googled everything about them To be fair they actually knew more than than a snake handler!! and that is what we want they are easier to manage than Geko's!!! "
Me"I will take you to the shop to buy a Geko you are not having a snake!! So boys get this clear we are not leaving that shop with a snake!!!"

The boys are now the proud owner of a snake called Susie!! She is cute, but don't tell the boys i said this!! If i strike it out i didn't say it!!!

;))) X

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