
This is a village where we worked with a women's cluster to build a preschool.
Our deal with them is that the whole community get involved, make and build the brisks, supply the timber and do all the work.
We only supply the metal for the roof and about 4 bags of cement for the floor and windows.
These probably have only one set of clothes and they're wearing it! BUT their mothers set a great value on education and preschool is the place to begin.
We work with the communities, (mostly women), train the caregivers who are the brightest women in the community, show them how to make educational equipment and they're off. Sometimes they frighten me in their ability to get on and manage their own affairs, with the smallest of help. Sad that 50 years on and thousands of millions of pounds, dollars and euro, in AID, has had no impact (Malawi is poorer than 50 years ago) and yet it's so simple when you start at the bottom.
Did you realise that a large proportion of inititiaves, in Africa, from abroad, have failed totally.

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