The unforgiving minute...

By Melsimel

Even on the greyest day ...

... You can still find some colour!

Funny old day today.

I've had wave after wave of bad news over the last 6 weeks, and I was fairly glad to let 2012 go to be honest - Was looking forward to a brighter 2013.

Today, 3 days into the new, shiny year, I got a fresh wave of bad news.

I'm doing my best weeble impression here. (Weebles wobble but we don't fall down! ... Anyone remember those?)

Anyway, I wanted to have a walk along the seafront, to clear my head and think about how to move forward, and I realised I could at the very least take advantage and use the walk to look for a blip opportunity to reflect my mood.

On this grey bloody day, I wanted to find a bit of colour, and I had the vague notion that i'd try for some pictures of the colourful beach huts along the lawns, against the dreary sky. (Flogging a dead metaphor, I know!!).

On my wander toward the beach huts, I caught sight of a little flower tribute that someone had tied to a memorial bench.

Not only did it re-enforce my aim to keep things in perspective ... (My life may well be coming loose at the moorings, knot by bloody knot, but at least it's not deserving of a memorial bench. Yet!) ... but it also presented me with my blip.

Far more importantly, it also made me realise that part of what i'm going to get out of this 365 is not just to learn a little bit about photography by the simple act of taking more photographs (practice makes permanent, right?), but it's also going to let me document what i'm thinking, or feeling, or bleeding terrified of ... in a creative way.

For me, It's not just about getting a picture 'right' ... it's about expressing something.

As blindingly simple as that might sound, It actually gave me a bit of a kick up the backside, as it made me realise I've not done a right lot of expressing anything much - for quite some time now.

Time to let a bit of colour back in, methinks.

So I took my picture, then grabbed an ice-cream from the best parlour in town, and sat on said bench for a while, giving a little toast (of the blueberry swirl variety) to the 3 guys the bench was a memorial for, and the flowers in their honour.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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