Ninety-two and a half

I can't remember the last time I got a proper letter-letter - not just a round robin but a proper person to person letter, with pages of thoughtful, thought-out words. I used to write to old school friends regularly when I was young, and painful thank yous to relatives after Christmas, but now I just scribble a couple of words in a card if I can think of anything.

Well today I got a proper letter-letter from my recently discovered ninety-two and a half (as he mentions in his letter) year-old uncle, Fred.

Mum's known since the fifties (I think it's the fifties) that she had an older half brother and half sister, but it wasn't until I began to add a few details to the Ancestry site a couple of years ago that Mum's half brother and nephew found out about us.

Richard went out for a couple of hours this evening to celebrate his best friend's birthday, so, after Tess had gone to bed, I had a few minutes pratting around with my camera. Reading a hand-written letter is such a natural thing it just seemed right to make the scene look old, or at least natural.

It's a lovely letter and Fred has a great sense of humour. He's twenty-four years older than Mum and the only blood relative I know who's made it to a good old age. I never met my grandparents on my mum's side as they both died when she was very young.

Aren't proper letter-letters lovely?


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