Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I was standing out under the blazing sun, sweat trickling down my back, trying to shoot some of the many butterflies on my big buddliea bush.  A bit of a breeze was wreaking havoc with my attempts to focus and I'll confess I was about to call it a day...when two hummers zoomed in to grab some nectar.  Amazing how quickly this soggy photographer perked right up!  The hummers were in and out quickly but I was able to get one shot I liked.  

Happily, there are more butterflies around - finally.  This summer started very, very slow and we are just now starting to see a slight uptick in the skippers.  I've yet to see a fritillary in my garden this summer which is a shock as they are usually plentiful.  But the big, showy swallowtails are abundant as are monarchs.  

I headed to the gym today while Hubs undertook a 37 mile bike ride - crazy man.  

Dinner shortly and then a quiet evening.  And a new week starts tomorrow...


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