Dear Heart

By dearheart

A Constitutional

The first day of 2013 was beautiful - sunshine that soaked into your bones and rubbed your cheeks warm, and a breeze that tugged lightly at my mother's curls and more than kept the surfers happy. We took a constitutional down Langland Bay.
I talked a little yesterday about the anxiety surrounding the New Year. It's something I try not to go in for, and for that reason my resolutions are always things to look forward to. I refuse to punish myself any more than my self-deprecating brain already does.
I want to turn 22 (it should be easy enough). I want to graduate, with or without a first. I want to explore video-making and picture-taking and try and get someone to pay me to write. I want to push my body in a different way than I have before; I want to take up running and do a charity race. I want to visit a foreign country and throw a dinner party and watch the sun rise and set on the same day. I want to make the people around me feel loved and special. I want to help them realise and explore their talents and I want only to do good.
This evening we sent lanterns into the sky over Swansea Bay. Five lanterns - one for each child. Mine looked as though it might be going to the moon!

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