The Skyline Drive.....

Today was the Skyline Drive.  The morning was quiet and restful.  Yesterdays post was blipped this morning after I chose my pictures.  It was really nice to take my time, knowing that the room was booked for another day.  
     Finally, I moseyed out to car, found the Skyline Drive about 5 miles from the hotel, and proceeded onward.  What a fabulous surprise I was in for!
The road was wide, it was smooth, level, without bumps, pot holes or  road edges that fall off the pavement from winter runoff.  All of the outside edges have a stone wall that was built by men during the time after the great depression.  Pres. Rosevelt used money from the  CCC govt jobs plan to put men to work improving the roads, building the stone walls which protect cars from bad tumbles down the mountains.   The best part is that the state of Virginia has posted speed limits that are very safe....  no higher than 40 miles per hour, any wheres.  All corners are posted for 25-35.  The drivers are very considerate and do not pass dangerously.  That surprised me.
      I have put together a whole bunch of collages to try and depict the beauty and wonder of the mountains here, which are the beginnings of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  When you look at the photos, you will see why they are so named.  The Blue Ridge Mt's are over 500 miles long, starting in Virgina, crossing into North Carolina, Georgia, and foothills that go further out.  There are several extras from todays drive.

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