
By DancingAly

All Good Things Must Come To An End!

Sadly the Christmas holidays are almost over, back to work on Monday. I never enjoy the last few days of any break, the blues always get me as I realise it's nearly time to head back to reality and early mornings, leaving the staff room the second the bell rings after a few swigs of my tea, and coming home in the dark, sigh.

I ventured back to dancing last night, which was good to get back to. Assuming I am still partnerless, as I have yet to be informed:-( I came home feeling really annoyed. Today I've decided I don't want to go back to life in general, instead I want to stay in my little cocoon, ie my living room :-) cups of tea, snacks, laptop and tv sounds good to me. At least until Spring is here anyway!

You'll notice my tv is on the sofa. It's still waiting for a man to put it on the wall! I've begged and pleaded for the last 8 weeks. The next "date" I've been given is Saturday . Lets just say I'm not optimistic!

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