Photo A Day
Happy World Photography Day!!
Taking photos is almost as important as breathing for me. While at the Canadian National Exhibition on the weekend, there was an exhibit of National Geographic's top 50 photos of all time. As we were leaving, Clive said to me, "Amazing photography but I can honestly say that they did not blow me over like I thought they would. I have seen far better photos on Blip." I agreed.
We all take photos for different reasons and we have different 'kit' but at the end of the day, we take a photo each day because we love how we can express our love, passion and interests...and share with the world. Daily. How lucky are we?
Cheers to all you photographers out there : ))
Oh and this dragonfly was crossing its toes, hoping to be blipped on the world stage today ;) When I started on blip, I never would have thought that I would some day photograph a dragonfly...and it would not be blurred :D
D x
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