My journey in Pictures

By Ella

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Went to the market today to buy fruit and vegetables... the market seller was really interested in my photography project to photograph some of his wares and gave me this mushroom carefully wrapped to photograph. He was very friendly and said i could go back and photograph his stall next week.

Didnt manage to take any pictures yesterday... got to the point where i felt that i was stressing over taking a photo for a blip... do not want to go there really - i love taking photos because i can.. not because i have to so decided to leave it.

Didnt upload my picture for today until Wed. cos still feeling a bit strange about it.. but feel better today - having decided that i will only blip when i have something that i want to share.

My daughter is off school today as she is poorly... i am still off work so it will be nice to have some company... maybe i will take some pictures of her.

My Lazy daisy (15.02.09) came second in the camera club competition this week so i was really pleased that they liked it.

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