
By jimchmst

Woody Portrait

Happy New Year missed Yesterday too busy passing out Hoppin John

My recipe soak 1lb of black eye peas overnight changing water twice
simmer 1 -2lbs of pork hocks or shoulder several hours until tender pour off liquid and chill overnite to remove fat.

next day[New Years] cover peas with 2 qts water simmer add , 2 chopped onions, 2-3 large carrots cubed, 2-3 large stalks celery, 1 large green or red pepper . Season with a mild hot sauce, Braggs Liquid aminos or salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper if desired all to taste. ,[here i usually split the pot and make half vegetarian] add the defatted pork broth and meat from pork. simmer about 1 hour until everything is tender. If desired separately cook one cup of brown rice and add to the finished HJ Serve hot with toast or rolls or crackers if desired

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