Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Kefalonian Beasties

After yesterday's wee dramaramas arriving onto this beautiful island, Sam was straight into beast and bug spotting. The painted lady butterfly migration putting smiles on east coast Scottish faces back home is just as evident in Kefalonia, but they have Swallow tails and so much more here besides. We had our resident Peter Parker, a wee red Dragon fly that was a total Gandalf in defending the pool to other winged intruders,"You shall not pass!"

Lizards, geckos, huge spiders, snakes, praying mantis, locusts, jimminy crickets the size of wee frogs. And not forgetting the unforgettable...the sea turtles swimming off the argostoli harbour, and their protected hatching sites on beaches around the island. That was a gasp out loud moment when we finally spotted them in the sea after walking through sun baked streets.

And the cicadas, you can tell it's hot when they roar into action, or scream when you get close. And as for the face on their backs, Sam's picture shows that off perfectly.

Bats drank from the pool at night, as did exotic birds we've still to identify, birds of prey called swooping from the Mountains, swifts and swallows soared over us at dusk and even an owl hooted below us in the wee valley one evening.

Sam's favourite bit about the holiday was the bugs and beasts, and the pool I think, he liked the pool, oh and the sea food, he definately loved the sea food, but the heat? Not so much.

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