
By MumOf4Wildlings

Too much !!

Who knew that wellie shopping would be so difficult.

My patience was tested this morning. All we had to do was go to the one shop for 2 pairs of wellies. One for home and one set for nursery. I swear , a 3 year old can go from sweet to a complete butthead in the space of seconds.

And bless, my eldest wildling thought he was helping the situation when in fact he was making it worse. But bless he did think he was being helpful.

We did get the wellies and then I carried him out the shop whilst pushing the buggy and sat him on a bench outside and explained to him how lucky he is to even get new wellies. And how some boy's and girl's don't have that luxury. He also got a timeout.

Thankfully the rest of our day improved. I can't wait until their bedtime.

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